
1. **滋阴补肾**:瑶柱性味甘咸平,具有滋阴补肾、健脾调中的功效。中医认为,瑶柱能下气调中,利五脏,疗消渴,滋真阴,止小便,对于肾阴不足、头晕眼花、腰腿酸软等症状有一定的缓解作用。

2. **高蛋白质含量**:瑶柱的蛋白质含量非常高,高达61.8%,是鸡肉、牛肉、鲜对虾的3倍,对人体肌肉的修复和生长有积极作用。

3. **矿物质和微量元素**:瑶柱含有丰富的矿物质和微量元素,如钙、磷、铁、硒、锌等,这些元素对于骨骼健康、预防贫血、增强免疫力等方面都有益。

4. **丰富的氨基酸和核酸**:瑶柱含有多种氨基酸和丰富的核酸,如次黄苷酸和牛黄磷酸,这些成分对于维持身体正常生理功能、促进新陈代谢、增强身体抵抗力有重要作用。

5. **减肥瘦身**:瑶柱的热量和脂肪含量相对较低,热量仅为腊肠或腊肉的一半,脂肪含量更是腊肉的二十分之一,对于追求健康减肥的人群来说,是理想的选择。


6. **降血压、降胆固醇**:瑶柱具有一定的降血压、降胆固醇的作用,对于预防和治疗高血压、高血脂等心脑血管疾病有益。

7. **抗癌、软化血管、预防动脉硬化**:瑶柱具有抗癌、软化血管、防止动脉硬化等功效,有助于维护心血管健康。

8. **辅助治疗多种疾病**:瑶柱对治疗头晕目眩、咽干口渴、虚劳咳血、脾胃虚弱等症有辅助作用,特别适合考生、劳动者、加夜班者以及神经不安定型、眼睛易疲劳、肩痛、头痛等状况的人食用。

9. **美容养颜**:瑶柱中的营养成分有助于保持皮肤弹性和光泽,具有一定的美容养颜效果。



1. **和胃止痛**:玳玳花能入胃经,提高脾胃消化功能,对治疗脾胃不和、消化不良、脘腹胀痛、恶心呕吐、食少腹胀等症状有显著效果。

2. **减肥美容**:玳玳花有助于清理体内毒素,分解多余脂肪,泡水饮用可以起到减肥美容的作用,改善皮肤和身材。

3. **止咳化痰**:玳玳花能入肺经,消除肺部炎症,稀释痰液,扩张气管,有助于缓解咳嗽痰多等症状。


4. **疏肝理气**:玳玳花能入肝经,提高肝功能,舒肝理气,对因肝气不舒引起的腹痛、食欲不振等症状有明显的调理作用。

5. **活血化瘀**:玳玳花具有活血化瘀的功效,有助于改善血液循环。

6. **清热解毒**:玳玳花含有多种有效成分,能清热解毒,适用于治疗痈肿疮毒、疖子、口腔溃疡等病症。

7. **调节激素**:玳玳花内含有多种植物雌激素,可以调节内分泌,改善经期不适。

8. **增强免疫力**:玳玳花中含有的成分能增强人体的抗病毒能力。

9. **调节内分泌功能**:有助于调节人体的内分泌系统,维持生理平衡。

10. **缓解胃部不适**:如胃部胀吐、恶心、呕吐、腹泻等症状。



1. **猫式伸展**:
– **动作**:四足着地,手臂与肩膀同宽,膝盖与臀部同宽。背部呈自然弯曲,头部与脊柱保持在一条直线上。
– **益处**:放松背部肌肉,缓解颈椎压力,增强脊柱的灵活性。

2. **猫牛式**:
– **动作**:在猫式伸展的基础上,将背部向上拱起,下巴向胸部靠近,形成“猫”的姿势。然后慢慢将背部向下压,头部抬起,尾巴向上翘起,形成“牛”的姿势。
– **益处**:锻炼腹部和背部肌肉,增强核心力量,缓解肩颈疼痛。

3. **猫耳式**:
– **动作**:在猫式伸展的基础上,将头部向一侧倾斜,耳朵贴近肩膀。


– **益处**:缓解头部、颈部和肩部的紧张,提高专注力。

4. **猫尾巴式**:
– **动作**:在猫式伸展的基础上,将尾巴向上翘起,手臂和腿部保持伸直。
– **益处**:增强腿部肌肉力量,提高身体平衡能力。

5. **猫蜷缩式**:
– **动作**:在猫式伸展的基础上,将身体蜷缩起来,形成一个球状。
– **益处**:放松全身肌肉,缓解压力,提高睡眠质量。


1. 在练习过程中,保持呼吸均匀,避免屏气。
2. 根据个人身体状况,适当调整动作幅度和频率。
3. 如有严重颈椎、腰椎疾病,请在专业人士指导下练习。




1. **蛋白质**:猪肥肉含有一定量的蛋白质,对于维持身体的肌肉组织和细胞功能有重要作用。

2. **脂肪**:猪肥肉中富含饱和脂肪,虽然过量摄入对心血管健康不利,但适量摄入脂肪是必需的,因为脂肪是人体能量的重要来源。

3. **维生素**:
– **维生素A**:猪肥肉中含有的维生素A对视力、皮肤健康和免疫功能有重要作用。
– **维生素B群**:特别是维生素B1(硫胺素)、B2(核黄素)、B6(吡哆醇)和烟酸等,这些维生素对能量代谢、神经系统健康和红细胞的形成至关重要。


4. **矿物质**:
– **铁**:猪肥肉是铁的良好来源,有助于预防贫血。
– **锌**:对免疫系统、细胞分裂和伤口愈合有重要作用。
– **硒**:一种抗氧化剂,有助于保护细胞免受自由基的损害。

5. **胆固醇**:猪肥肉含有较高的胆固醇,过量摄入可能对心血管健康不利。


"Jak horse is so elegant." There is a low coffee table and a pot of hot water in Chen Bo and Ma Yun’s middle to go to the delicate West Lake Longjing, and the green tea soup is overflowing with fragrant tea.

"Chen Qiu Wang has come to Hang Cheng. How can I not be a host?"
"I was afraid that this was the hongmen banquet."
"That you are liu bang? Is this still my fault? "
"No, you are a generation of heroes!"
This is the first time he has sat alone with Ma Yun, and it is also a West Lake painting, which is quite strange to say.
"Don’t beat around the bush. You’re sure it’s not as simple as asking me to have tea." Ma Yun slowly took a sip of the cup and sniffed the tea, smacked his mouth and tasted the gift of nature.
"You are certainly not as simple as inviting me to tea." Chen Bo smiled and laughed. "Although we have a certain overlap, there are still many places where Ali slogan is not to make it difficult to do business. Ant slogan is that we are data porters! "
"What do you mean?"
"Southeast Asia is rich in tropical fruits and agricultural products, and there are several small production processing factories in western Zhejiang and Lingnan, so that these two places are closely connected through the network of ants and Ali, which not only expands the influence of Southeast Asia, but also gives several small businesses opportunities."
"Good idea, but how can ant search help the local area?" It seems that this teacher Ma doesn’t know about the Southeast Asia data center yet.
"Ant Company has set up data centers in overseas business department Island and Kuala Lumpur. We can work together to do a good job in this market. Of course, it is limited to Ali." I don’t care if you Taobao. If Southeast Asia really needs B2B network to establish the League of Nations, I wouldn’t want to come to you, Chen Boxin said.
"This is no problem. Ali will have an English website when he comes. I will arrange someone to dock it."
"That’s settled." Chen Bo is also unambiguous. Anyway, I have to pull some hair out of you Ali in the end.
"I’ll treat you to some Hang Cheng specialties tonight. If you like go to the opera, I know it’s not bad to have a garden." Teacher Ma is still very generous in hospitality.
"I can barely make do with listening to music, forget it. There is no cell that can’t be nurtured by you."
That’s right. Ma Yun is not only an English teacher, but also a folk art family. His father is Chen Bo, the two presidents of Zhejiang Quyi Association. It’s rare for him to come into contact with this. How can he listen to this with such high interest?
Apart from the internet and football, the only thing they have in common is the martial arts culture. He likes Jin Yong’s self-respect, which is well known, and the martial arts culture in the company is like brainwashing for every employee to read and feel.
The characters in Jin Yong’s pen are too realistic to make people feel depressed, just like the first reading of the sword, and I feel that Chen Jialuo is stupid. Even the princess who loves Xiang Xiang can give it to Gan Long until she grows up and reads it again, but she is full of sympathy and sighs.
Gu long, on the other hand, is not very spiritual and has that kind of romantic feeling in his bones. That’s what he yearns for. There is always a difference in Jianghu, and no one is right or wrong.
Just as Chen Bo compares himself to Ye Gucheng, he is a man with no past and no future, a lonely man with a lonely heart. He is a swordsman, not a knight swordsman, so he must have greater ambitions!
After discussing the martial arts culture, killing a good wine and meat, Chen Bo returned to Shanghai without stopping. It was in January when he came out, and this trip around the world had already jumped to mid-January.
The AFC General Assembly has already been settled. Zhang Jilong narrowly beat Qatari Football Association President Haman by two votes and became the new AFC President as he wished. Of course, he will not forget to carry out his promise and then make drastic reforms. The first fire is to take the lead in reorganizing the AFC Champions League.
Interstellar sports has naturally become the main operator of the AFC Champions League in the future, responsible for the organization of the games and the media system. Of course, they have to come up with a feasible plan first, so they are busy.
These are all handled by professionals, without Chen Bo worrying about Su Chenghao sitting in his office and reporting the information he has found.
"Gu Yi grew up from a poor family with a primary school education. When he was 17 years old, he left home to work. Yangpu District took the money he had saved and got to know his wife. Later, they went to Japan and Hong Kong Island to carry raw water and other private goods and earned a small sum of money. It was said that the stew shop made a profit of 40 thousand a year and bought a Ferrari sports car in Shanghai, which was very high-profile."
"Qian Shengqian Famen was found in the wave of stock market restructuring of state-owned enterprises in 1995. In the Asian financial crisis in 1997, companies such as Changjiang Industry were bought on dips, earning hundreds of millions of Hong Kong dollars. When the Shanghai real estate market was in a downturn, they all bought buildings. Agriculture, real estate, high-tech infrastructure and trade were deeply involved in investment. According to the latest Forbes list, the couple’s worth reached 500 million yuan."
"Is there any breakthrough?"
This kind of self-made industry with no pillar is a specific product of this era. People like Gu Yi have a lot of state ownership, and he is definitely not the only one. These resumes have no special value.
"In the first half of this year, a piece of land in the northeast of Jing ‘an with a value of 400 million was compensated and transferred to other flags. Now Shencheng Real Estate Holding Company has completed the demolition, but many residents have reported that they have not received the promised demolition funds of more than 500 million yuan. At the same time, with this land, he actually got 2.2 billion credit loans from a bank on Hong Kong Island for 500 million yuan and 1.5 billion bought an enterprise on Hong Kong Island."
Su Chenghao’s inquiry is very detailed, and it’s all recorded in documents. Just look at this resume, and it will be a ghost to say that there is nothing wrong with it.
"What do you think of this matter? He hasn’t sent anyone to do things recently! "
"A few of the stars came to harass us, but they all ran very fast. Now the employees of Xingyun Pass can’t wait for someone to beat him up every day just like the cubs." Su Chenghao smiled and added, "There must be something fishy in this. We can definitely give him a headache from this land!"
Chen Bo smiled and shook his head and handed him the file in his hand, saying, "The shredder breaks it several times more."
"How can this let him go?" Su Chenghao answered the phone, but he didn’t move. He was very puzzled.
"No, I want to give him a harder one!" Chen Bo sneered and revealed an unprecedented coldness and horror. "This land is a mine, but it will explode sooner or later, but it can’t be exploded in our hands. Even if there are ten I show up at home, I have to hide! Involved in too wide ….. "
"That …"
"You see the surface. What does he do? It’s all speculation, borrowing eggs and gloves, and the white wolf buys low and sells high! But it’s really a good time for him. What he came to me for was to watch me invest so many projects crazily. I have cash to help him. What did it say? He paved it too big. There is no cash flow! Everything will come to the surface after he is cut off … "
"I see, but it doesn’t seem to be white!"
"Learn to learn financial knowledge. He just bought the company. If he profited from the stock market, he had to package it and sell it! Then I’ll let him not sell it and have it in his hand. I want him to know that offending me is not only painful, but also everything! " Chen Bo patted Su Chenghao on the shoulder. "Leave the rest to me. You will be white if you stare at those stocks."
After seeing him off, Chen Bo sent Chris an email with a few simple words and received a response in a short time.
On how to play the stock market, Chris is definitely qualified to be the ancestor of Gu Yi. China’s securities mechanism is not healthy. You can play the edge ball and have the risk control line of ups and downs. But it’s no wonder that your rear area is Hong Kong Island. That’s where Chris fell. It will definitely blow your ass!
Chen Bo stared at the brain display screen and seemed to have seen Gu Yi’s tearful expression and laughed.
"Think what good thing? Happy like that "pushed the door and pushed LiuQing to see himself alone in the brain silly joy can not help but ask.
"Nothing. I’m glad to have received a debt." Chen Bo turned his eyes and said to her, "Lian Yi, your old man asked him if Joyo.com has been sold. This village is not as official, rigorous and serious as this shop!"
"How can a boss like you deliberately make things difficult!" LiuQing ten thousand don’t want to have something you also give your dad an official try! Without saying it, I remembered that he had lost his parents since childhood and swallowed it back.
"This is a test for you and a breakthrough in this case. If you take charge, I won’t participate. I’m afraid that Lei Jun will scold me for always digging his corner!" Chen Bo threw her a well-prepared document, which is the acquisition plan of Joyo.com. "My bottom line is that they didn’t invest 160,000 yuan at the beginning, and a premium of four times in two years is enough."
Joyo. com is a cyber city selling entity whose main business is funded by Lenovo and Jinshan, and it needs to be shipped again. Even if you want to keep this B2 mall, you need a lot of money and have to solve the problems of warehouse logistics.
It’s a far cry from whether to eat or not. Now their two companies are also a hot potato, otherwise they won’t take the initiative to ask Chen Bo to invest next time, just don’t want to take the risk of continuing investment.
But the excellent network card is louder than Ding-dong. I can’t prepare some hobbies. Young people like to buy it in person. Plus, he has a slightly literate executive loyalty. No problem.
So Chen Bo thought about it and gave it to Amazon cheaply. It’s not as good as integrating it first. It can also make Dingdong. com go further and can’t be left too far by Taobao. Everyone has a market share of 12%, and Dingdong. com is less than 5%
Chapter 17 Stock market madness
Among the lush garden trees in downtown Shanghai, there are several small foreign buildings built in the 1920s and 1930s, the most luxurious of which is owned by Gu Yi, the richest man in Shanghai.
"The boss’s third-quarter financial report was released yesterday. We always make our own watches to ensure that we can’t see any problems!" Dressed in a suit with a briefcase, Zhou Zheng, general manager of Shencheng Real Estate, walked into the villa and closed his eyes on the sofa. The man said,
"What’s the problem? No problem if you come! " Guyi heard this with your eyes open blaster out a sharp essence mans way
"Yes, yes! Our company is a blue chip stock. This time, grabbing the financial report released in front of others can definitely boost morale. It’s hard not to think about it. At least 100 million yuan will be earned! If someone comes to take over, it can quadruple again! "
Zhou was even more excited than Gu Yi, and took out an early freshly baked newspaper from his bag and pointed to the face. "The latest Forbes list actually put the boss in the tenth place. If you wait until the end of the year to speak, you will definitely sit on the first throne!"
"Ha ha, don’t underestimate those in front," said Gu Yi in a good mood. "First, the surname is Red Top. Can we compare it?"
"It’s not bad for us to rely on the shadow of our parents to be worse than the boss who started from scratch!" Zhou Zheng curled his mouth and the boss cried foul.
"What a tree fart! It’s always a big tree. "Guyi flew into a rage when he heard this." What’s the ranking of Dignā ga’s little tweed? "
"I don’t think I found it!" Zhou Zheng turned over half a day and finally found a few words in the cracks, "I saw that I didn’t make the list, and I ranked fifth in the young list."

"If you say so, do I have any other choice?" Mulberry enemy bitter face, he also knows that he can’t run, and he must continue to follow Xu Ren further.

Xu Ren and mulberry enemy continue to move forward to the core position of the Flame Mountain. At this time, the little demon leopard has come from Xu Ren’s shoulder. It seems that this Flame Mountain makes it feel very excited. Xu Ren and mulberry enemy are jumping around in front and looking full of energy. Maybe because he chewed the golden thread python and the strange fish some time ago, Yao Dan’s strength has improved a lot.
With the deepening of the flame mountain, the temperature is getting higher and higher.
The mulberry enemy is sweating and panting, and it is close to the limit.
Don’t say it’s mulberry enemy. Even Xu Ren feels a little tired.
"I can’t work, let’s stop and have a rest first." Sang Enemy can’t walk any further, and sweat has soaked his clothes again and again.
"Well, let’s have a rest here for the time being." Xu Ren looked around. This place is not bad. There is a red bald mountain in front. Although there is no water, a cave can be temporarily carved out.
Sang enemy breathed a sigh of relief and took out a pot of water and gulped it up.
Xu Ren also took out the kettle and drank half of it himself and gave it to the little demon leopard.
Strange to say, this little demon leopard is not uncomfortable in such a hot environment, and it seems that he will not feel thirsty even if he doesn’t drink water.
After drinking the water, Xu Ren and the mulberry enemy chewed a cave in front of the mountain.
Of course, the process is not so smooth. The rocks here are not only high in appearance temperature, but also very hard in texture. It takes more effort to build caves here than in other places, and it takes more effort to build three places in other places.
However, the hard texture of the stone here also has an advantage, that is, the temperature in the cave will be slightly lower than that outside. Therefore, it is worthwhile for Xu Ren and Sang enemy to make efforts to open this cave this time.
The mulberry enemies were forced to lie down in the cave to rest, but they were dragged up and cross-legged by Xu Ren to practice. If they were greedy for comfort, they would not come to this place. Bad conditions are a challenge to everyone, but at the same time they are also an opportunity to improve themselves.
Although the mulberry enemy was very tired, he also knew that Xu Ren meant well and didn’t say much. He crossed his legs and practiced directly.
The real enemy is not a lazy man, but a flaming mountain. This place is really uncomfortable. Even the enemy who has always been diligent in practice wants to lie still.
However, as soon as he practiced mulberry, the enemy immediately recovered. In less than half an hour, his spirit was full again.
Xu Ren nodded gently. Although this man is sometimes a little stubborn, he is a wise man. Xu Ren doesn’t feel too strong to talk to him.
After that, Xu Ren and the mulberry enemy temporarily stayed in the newly-built cave. Here, Xu Ren can also use the environment to temper his body, which is faster for the mulberry enemy to practice martial arts.
However, this stable time did not last long. As night fell, the heat dissipated a little, and at this time some monsters came out to move.
Even practicing the fire attribute achievement method, the monster beast is born in a flaming mountain, which is very difficult. During the day, almost all of them are in caves, and they will not come out to try their luck until late.
Today, Xu Ren was careless. He saw a small mountain peak around him that was suitable for resting, but he didn’t probe around carefully to see if there was any monster lurking.
It didn’t take long for Xu Ren to smell a bloody breath just after nightfall.
Then a few fiery red figures appeared outside the hillside to surround the cave where Xu Ren and Sang enemy were staying.
Xu Ren flicker to the outside of the cave, and the temperature outside is indeed much lower than during the day, especially after seeing a few red figures outside, which makes him feel cold.
Those red figures are a big red scorpion, which is bigger than a workhorse. If you count the length of the scorpion tail, it is as long as two cows.
"This time in big trouble, these things will not be weaker than the gold thread python." The mulberry enemy looked at those blood-red scorpions and knew that things were not good. This thing was the most difficult to deal with, not only the shell was hard, but also the scorpion tail was highly toxic.
"It should be said that the most powerful thing of the red scorpion is that it can release poisonous gas. I have met similar scorpion monsters, but the strength is definitely not as strong as these big guys." Xu Ren is ready to fight against these monsters. Only the first world war is the end.
Chapter one hundred and ninety-two Another rely on
Red scorpion is a kind of five-order monster beast, and its individual strength is far from that of golden python, but these guys are different from other scorpion monsters, and they all haunt in groups, especially when hunting, from a few to a dozen or even dozens of monsters get together.
Xu Ren and mulberry enemies encountered more than twenty red scorpions this time. These red scorpions vary in size, and their tails can be as long as two workhorses and as long as one workhorse.
Larger red scorpions are mostly dark red, but the dark red carapace will have bright red patterns. These bright red patterns have different shapes, and each red scorpion has different patterns.
The smaller red scorpions are all bright red crustaceans with no patterns, but the fiery red color still makes people feel very dangerous.
The size of these Yan scorpions does not represent the order. Actually, both big scorpions and small scorpions are five-order monster beasts. The big scorpion is a female scorpion and the bright red body is a male scorpion.
In the red scorpion group, the female individuals have greater strength and stronger defense, while the male scorpion individuals are much smaller, but their scorpion venom is more powerful.
The number of female scorpions in the red scorpion that besieged Xu Ren and Sangdi was significantly higher than that of males.
The number of female scorpions in the scorpion group is not only large, but also higher. All the scorpions are female red scorpions.
"I’m afraid it’s not easy for us this time." It’s the first time for the mulberry enemy to see such a big scorpion. In fact, there is no scorpion monster in the hometown of the mulberry enemy because the climate there is not suitable for the life of scorpion monsters.
Scorpions don’t like cold weather. It happens that it is very cold in their hometown most of the year, but that short summer is very beautiful and charming.
Of course, the wilderness dynasty is very long and narrow, and there are warm and charming places in it. The wilderness dynasty map is like a big cone. The natural environment of a large area at the bottom of the cone is relatively difficult, either covered with ice or desert. There is a long river running through the north and south, but there are too many people around this river, which makes the surrounding situation of this river not good.
"Don’t panic now, you can wear frost armor and cooperate with frost sword. These red scorpions should not bother you. Of course, don’t forget to avoid poison pills." Xu Ren obviously knows about the red scorpion. He gave a suggestion to the mulberry enemy
"What will you do then?" The enemy of mulberry is not too white, Xu Renyi
"The red scorpion battle is also a good experience opportunity, and I don’t want to miss it." Xu Ren smiled. He had discovered that fighting could make him stronger.
"I don’t think it’s a wise decision to fight these guys." The mulberry enemy obviously doesn’t like the red scorpion fighting in Xu Ren. After all, the red scorpion is a poisonous monster beast, and the number is as high as twenty.
Although the fighting capacity of these five-order monster beasts is not condensed, the strength is also very terrible after the number reaches 20, and the scorpion venom will kill you if you are careless.
"You don’t worry about me, I have a sense of proportion. You should protect yourself from being hurt by the red scorpion." Xu Renshi, the scorpion venom of the red scorpion, is not strange. It is a kind of fire poison with strong destructive power, but it is not insoluble for him to make up the gods stone. In fact, it is only a matter of fast and slow detoxification for most highly toxic gods stone.
When mulberry enemies see Xu Ren’s insistence, they will no longer persuade the actual situation. At this juncture, someone must come out and confront more than twenty naked scorpions, otherwise no one will have a chance to escape.
Xu Ren took the Xinghai sword and rushed towards the largest red scorpion.
It seems that the red scorpion didn’t expect that Xu Ren would attack first, which made them all feel very angry, especially the red scorpion with the largest head, which is the king of the scorpion group, and its strength is close to the sixth-order monster beast
The head of the biggest red scorpion saw Xu Ren coming towards him and didn’t give in. He waved two huge pliers directly towards Xu Ren to meet him.
Bang bang …
Xu Ren Xinghai Sword Red Scorpion A pair of tongs soon met the two sides, and you came and I fought in one place.
As soon as the two sides contacted Xu Ren’s figure, they were shocked by a pair of tongs of the red scorpion to practice and retreat to the fifth-order red scorpion, and the female scorpion was stronger. Even if Xu Ren’s strength was not weak, it was still a bit of a loss.
Of course, this kind of loss is mainly due to the re-size of the scorpion. It is very amazing that the red scorpion has grown up at both ends. Although Xu Ren’s strength is not the same, he has suffered a lot in weight because of his small size.
However, this disadvantage did not repel Xu Ren. He immediately strengthened his offensive power after a slight loss in the previous few times, and soon stopped the retreat.
Yan Scorpion King, who is huge in size, is naturally unwilling to be attacked by Xu Ren, so he becomes harder and harder. Those tongs are swinging faster and faster.
Xu Ren’s performance to the red scorpion king was also somewhat unexpected, especially the strength of the huge pincers made Xu Ren feel incredible. The Xinghai sword in his hand was a multiplier and the sharpness was much higher than that of the half-step fairy, but this red scorpion collision did not damage the huge pincers at all, which showed the tenacity of the huge pincers.
The red scorpion king was a little anxious. When a pair of scorpion pliers Xu Ren confronted him, the scorpion tail poison hook moved.
Although the strength of the red scorpion scorpion tail is not as strong as that of the pair of scorpion pliers, it is faster and more flexible. When the scorpion pliers Xu Ren Xinghai Sword confronted each other, they were able to attack Xu Ren while taking advantage of the gap.
However, Xu Ren is not without precautions. In addition, after returning from Baizhang Peak, his strength is stronger. The first five-order peak red scorpion confrontation can still fall in the wind
Xu Ren, who had been fighting for a long time, was also in a hurry and made an approximate howl, but the howl was very sharp.
After the red scorpion king made an approximate howling sound, his red scorpion seemed to have an order and rushed towards Xu Ren.
Larger female red scorpions showed their tongs to Xu Renliang in succession. Although their tongs were not as powerful as the red scorpion king, their strength and tenacity were also not underestimated. Xu Ren’s head was shrouded by scorpion tongs, and red shadows were constantly smashed at Xu Ren.
This Xu Ren not only became passive, but also showed great difficulty.
Although these red scorpions are grumpy, their minds are not stupid. These guys even know tactics. There is always no shortage of opponents in front of Xu Ren, which means that Xu Ren must constantly swing his sword or there will be red scorpions with huge scorpion pliers falling on his head.
Xu Ren can’t even retreat because he is surrounded by red scorpions.
What makes Xu Ren’s heartstrings more tense is the red scorpion tail, especially the smaller bright red scorpion. Their scorpion tail is more flexible and more toxic than the larger female scorpion. Even if Xu Ren escaped the scorpion tail attack, the smell from the scorpion tail made him feel bad.
I’m afraid he would have quit the battle long ago if he hadn’t taken the poison-avoiding pill and supplemented the sacred stone to repair his body damage at any time.
The red scorpion seems to be very surprised by Xu Ren’s tenacity. Ordinary people have long been unable to support such a strong offensive, but it is still safe here in Xu Ren.
Sang enemy is also the first time to see Xu Ren attack this kind of intensity offensive in the face of so many monster beasts at the same time. Anyway, he is sure to be unable to resist these red scorpion offensives, at least until he has repaired beyond the five levels of coagulation.
It is a threshold for many monks to be aware of the Five Realms of Coagulation. This threshold is not easy for all monks to be stuck with the Five Realms of Coagulation. This is also the main reason why Xu Ren has met the strongest opponent so far. Every five-repairman who has broken through the Five Realms of Coagulation is a baby for the mountain gate, and it has become normal for these monks to pay more attention to their own cultivation.

Xiao Changsheng immediately swallowed a mouthful of air conditioning after hearing Ji Youran’s words and then retreated.

Guo Yi also noticed that there are indeed super strong people hiding in these immortals, but these people are too much taller than him, and now they are crowded with people. Fiona Fang and Wan Li are all trembling immortals, and they will find this person by root method.
On the contrary, Lin Xingxie was most afraid of secretly asking Xiao Changsheng, "Who is the speaker in the old car of the big brother?"
"Master’s eldest brother is a hundred times more powerful than Master. You can call her Master’s eldest sister later," Xiao Changsheng said.
Selinsing was so scared that his body twitched and his brain was bloodshot that he fell straight down for a long time before he got up and still felt weak in his thighs.
He shivered, "Master Xiu is a big brother one hundred times. Master Lao Xiu is a big brother one hundred times. So, master elder sister Xiu is a big brother ten thousand times. What exactly have you reached, big brother?"
Xiao Changsheng smiled and looked at him. He finally found confidence and said, "Big Brother, I am not high in my present practice, so I can slay the sixth star even if it is a seventh star."
Selinsing evil is a twitch and directly looks up and falls to the ground. This time, he is so scared that he has no strength to get up from the ground.
"The spirit palace of the remains has arrived to be the second largest fairy gate in Qinglin County, just one step behind the great river fairy alliance." "Look at this posture. The spirit palace of the remains is a master. Even the seven resin emperors have come here. I’m afraid it’s inevitable for the Phoenix Fairy Palace."
"The Great River Immortal League and the spirit palace of the remains have arrived. I wonder if the group of fairies from Acacia Cave will come."
"No matter whether they come to Phoenix Fairy Palace or not, it’s nothing for us. These tyrants have come, and no one dares to compete with them for you. Look, some small fairy gates have retreated."
In the dark area, every place speaks according to its strength. If it has strength, it is the king. If it has no strength, it is a slave. Although these sects are all called immortal sects, they are all evil generations. None of them are good men and women, and they do anything ugly.
The law of the jungle is the law of this area!
There was a commotion ahead. A bronze warship flew out of a chariot and roared and rolled towards Phoenix Asgard. A super strong man planned to find out.
This chariot-driving strong man is one of the seven elders of the Great River Immortal League, and he is a great man.
The owner of the chariot didn’t intend to break into the Phoenix Asgard, but he went to test it. However, the chariot was three days away from the Asgard, and Wan Li was melted by the flame. A middle-aged man dressed in cyan Tiekai rushed out of the ancient car and fell to the ground, and then continued to walk carefully towards the depths of red like a sea of fire.
Everyone held their breath and shot light in their eyes. They wanted to see if the super-strong man could break into Wan Li, and Guo Yi was no exception. Flying ancient cars’ eyes shot black and white double-color light, and they kept watching him dynamically and wanted to see some clues.
Previously, many cultivators went through the strongest in the Phoenix Fairy Palace, and they reached 25,000 miles, and the blood clots were inexplicably broken all over the floor, which made several people feel cold.
The seven elders of the Great River Fairy League are much more powerful. He quickly ran on foot and quickly rushed to Wan Li, a place away from Phoenix Fairy Palace, but at this moment, a strange wind suddenly blew to him, which was more miserable than "the temple …"
This miserable cry is full of horror, as if seeing something extremely incredible, but just shouting out two words, it comes to an abrupt end, as if being pinched by a hand.
And the body of the seven elders also shows signs of fragmentation, such as ceramics being broken and generalized blood clots on the ground.
This time, even Guo Yi was dignified because he didn’t find any clues. The death of the Seven Elders was so strange that he seemed to see something unclean before he died.
Chapter 596 Love Species
The screams of the Seven Elders before their death were very sad, which made several people tremble. Even such a big man can’t enter the two Wan Li outside the Phoenix Fairy Palace. Is it really going to be a forbidden area for death?
When everyone was about to retreat, a corpse emperor in the spirit palace made a move. The corpse emperor jumped out of the coffin full of skulls and flew to the Phoenix Fairy Palace.
This is a corpse emperor, whose body is covered with black chains and black fog, which is very scary, just like climbing out of hell as a heady messenger.
When he arrived at San Wan Li, he became cautious. Obviously, the death of the Seven Elders made him feel palpitation, holding one side like a Blackstone shield and moving forward slowly.

Turn your eyes flexibly by adding a bit of seductive amorous feelings, and turn wisely. Be naughty. Be naughty. A light green long skirt is so beautiful that it is so beautiful and so intolerant!

The light blue figure is as light as a swallow, accompanied by the faint piano and jade hand pulling out of the scabbard, and the blue sword wrist gently rotating, and the blue sword also flashes like a flash, but the light of the sword is shining, but the feminine blue and weak figure blends.
The blue sword light is painted as an arc in the middle, and the female waist falls down along the sword light at random, but at the moment of landing, the sleeves are randomly pulled out to hook the house beam around the hall like a fairy in the blue sword light. At the moment, look at the scabbard in the imperial secretary’s hand, and the sleeves are pulled out of the scabbard in the middle.
Sleeve blue figure falls together.
The ministers don’t applaud.
If you get this daughter-in-law, ask again? Shi Min couldn’t help but enter the temple of fans. In general, there were green lights like hungry wolves in his eyes.
But Mo Qingdan didn’t stop there.
Still intoxicated, she smiled, and her attire has been dancing with her graceful posture. She seems to be like a light and fresh moon falling in Motome.
After the toe is gently rotated perfectly, the sleeves are lightly touched in the virtual space, which is like pulling the clouds. Everything seems to have lost its thinking ability after the skirts are stacked one after another.
Who knows that her skirt horn is quietly raised at this time, not because of the light pace of the wind, but even more because of the wind!
Every move she makes is not suffocating oppression, but penetrating the bottom of my heart!
At this moment Shi Min couldn’t help thinking of a Tang poem.
Who, dancing with her dagger, drew from all four quarters, there lived years ago the beautiful Gongsun
An audience like mountains lost among themselves is long and low.
And rapid as angels before the wings of dragons, which were bright as when the Archer shot the nine suns down the sky
And ended like the shining calm of rivers and the sea, she began like a thunderbolt, venting its anger
But vanished are those red lips and those pearly sleeves has a younger brother and fragrance.
Dancing still and singing in the old blithe way, this beauty from Linying, at the Town of the White God
I have a feeling that when I ask questions, I will worry about things and add to my regrets.
But none could dance the dagger-dance like Lady Gongsun, the maid of the first emperor, was a thousand people.
Fifty years seems like a palm, wind and dust, filling the world, obscure the Imperial House.
Liyuan’s brother is scattered like smoke in there are one or two girl-musicians now trying to charm the cold Sun.
I seem to hear dead grasses rattling on the cliffs of Qutang, there are man-size trees by the Emperor’s Golden Tomb
At the height of joy, sorrow comes with the eastern moon rising, the song is done, the slow string and quick pipe have ceased
And I, a poor old man, not knowing where to go must harden my feet on the lone hills, toward sickness and despair!
Suddenly, don’t dance lightly and make a sharp turn, playing a foil blue figure and pouncing on Shi Min like a surprise.
Mo Qingwu’s figure is reflected in the pupil of Shimin, a flint, from small to large!
"Hey!" Shi Min tilted his head slightly, and the blade passed over his sideburns and cut a strand of hair!
That was close!
A recruit can’t succeed. Don’t dance lightly. It’s also a rapid move. Swing a sword and stab Mo Yuan’s sword. If it’s frosty, it will be a little chaotic and stab Shimin alongside of.seem.
Shi Min didn’t panic and dodged one by one!
"There is an assassin!"
"Hurry up and catch the assassin!"
"take it!"


Some of Henglangshan Mountain will not enter the temples, and the Great God’s own avenue is almost suppressed to the extreme, spitting out thick blood of great power and great power, and his face has changed greatly.
You can’t look straight at a cold hum, but you can’t break everything with a sword. The light of the sword draws a path directly from the front of the temple.
"Why don’t you come in soon?"
I saw the aurora at the entrance of all the temples frowning and looking at the big Buddha who was still outside. "Is the glory of the ancestors so easy to bear!"
Hear the aurora dominate this dozen pick peak dzogchen god show a little bit ashamed look, they were hit hard in just a moment!
"Aurora, I’m afraid you have the deepest temperature among all the Taoist friends present?"
Neon cold looking at aurora this sword show surprised that she can’t tell whether this sword is sword light or aurora!
Mix Yuan, Pan Gu, Wan Fa, 10,000 Dao, and return to the source to achieve Pan Gu’s great god.
It’s shocking that the neon cold can’t tell whether it’s the aurora or the sword light. After all, kendo is a vast avenue with a vast source in all the days. It’s hard to imagine how to melt this avenue like its own aurora avenue.
Kendo is always like this, so are the others far away?
"It’s really amazing to be ashamed of the achievement of the first-class first-class deity in the first statue!"
Yuan looked at the aurora and sighed in his heart that Yuan Heng had gained several benefits by slaying the source of fate. With him, the only one in the universe who practiced the Avenue of Destiny, Tian Mo, gained a lot of benefits. Even when he got the treasure of destiny-Dong Ke gun, his realm was advancing by leaps and bounds. But at this time, he suddenly found that this realm of aurora was worse than his own!
At the same time, the heavens and the earth
The sun star shines on everything from east to west, and the moon star is like a chain to enlighten everything.
The sun is hidden and the sun is out. The sun is hidden and the sun is out.
This is the order of the law of the wild.
And at this point …
A blooming light slowly rises, and the silver white light is not inferior to the lunar sun! to be continued
Chapter two hundred and ninety-four Falun performance reincarnation moon hanging
Silver superstars shine brightly and shine on everything.
The sun shines on the moon, the crape myrtle is secluded, and now there is another superstar, who is amazed that these three great stars stand side by side and hang high in the end dimension.
The eternal glory shines on the heads of countless creatures when hundreds of millions of constant sands in the three realms of the universe are exhausted. Almost at this moment, the whole universe seems to tremble!
"Is this Daozu?"
I’m studying how to enter the eyes of Nu Wa, the goddess of extinction in the lunar calendar, and look directly at the bright giant star through the barrier of the small world in Fengqi. "After all, although the achievements of the Saint of Nature are not inferior to those of the ordinary Taoist ancestors, it is slightly inferior to the world after all …"
After all, only Daozu has this ability, for hundreds of millions of monks can watch and worship.
When Yuan Heng, the star of Heng Lang, hung high in the flood, he almost stopped being orthodox. Don’t you see how many magical powers were created according to the lunar sun in the whole flood?
Of course, this is not the point.
The point is that if this star is still hanging there, then this Taoist ancestor can almost count merits and demerits until his hand cramps. For the specific amount, please refer to Taiyin, Sun and Ziwei …
In Nu Wa’s perception, it can be perceived that this superstar has become much stronger in the whole world, such as the barriers, the plane crystal walls and the membranes of heaven and earth!
"It seems that I also want to speed up …"
Aware of this scene, Nu Wa’s mind has been firmly established.
I have been able to get some very secret secrets from the Daomu-can some extremely horrible Daozu’s Taoist priests’ Daoxing be comparable to those of the heavens, that is, one of the celestial world, the nether world and the vast land?
At this moment, Nu Wa’s mind moved and her eyes instantly locked in a certain time dimension and murmured, "It’s so familiar with the breath …"
Although the other party’s concealment is very good, it is impossible for ordinary mixed-yuan saints to notice it, but after all, Nu Wa is not as powerful as usual and finds a trace of it.
"Nature violet! !”
My mind instantly jumped for hundreds of millions of times, and Nu Wa’s eyes bloomed with bright colors with a hint of excitement and joy. "Fortune Violet actually left descendants, and it is still a strong descendant!"
The destruction of the violet has always been a pain in the hearts of the immortals, but this is an important thing for the universe, especially for Nu Wa, the mixed-element creature saint.
Is it horrible to have a statue of God and a treasure of God superimposed on each other?
It can be said that if the violet was still there at the beginning, it would be almost limited once it was born, and it would be almost 100% sure to come directly to Nuwa!
And if the violet is in the hands of Nu Wa, then the ancestor of the abyss, the top ancestor who invaded the wild, is a bird?
It’s not negotiable to hold the treasure of nature and be absolutely gorgeous.
Without the slightest exaggeration, it is actually so abnormal!
It’s a pity that it hurts the heavens that the violet was destroyed after all.
A source of nature was taken by Zixiao to create a jade butterfly. Some lotus petals were taken by Lingbao Tianzun to refine the green ping sword. Some lotus roots were taken by Yuan Tianzun to refine the three treasures and jade ruyi. Some lotus hearts were taken by Taitian Zun to refine the moral flat rod. Some of them were taken by other top powers to nurture the last group of lotus seeds. Nu Wa also took them to be placed in the nature land.
This is?

Guo Yi has been silent step by step to the side of the big stone, looking at this crazy old man and crouching slightly. "Do you have any pains, old man?"

The old man slowly raised his head and wiped the dust on his forehead. He was so excited that he said, "Little brother, I’m really a bad karma spirit fairy, but in fact, thieves are ruthless in doing things. You should be careful if you meet her, otherwise it’s a small loss of life or a big loss of money!"
Guo Yi has a three-point hesitation in his heart. He doesn’t believe that Bai Xier is a ruthless person, but he still firmly believes in her.
Hong Xiangyin went to cloud nine to find her, and it was gone forever. Guo Yi was thinking about this problem all the way.
Until now, when I met this LaoSou Guo Yi, my confidence in her collapsed again.
The old man’s tears are dancing, and a pair of shriveled old eyes are pointing at his heart, which Guo Yi is sure is definitely not a lie.
Hua Er Building is more excited and angry than Guo Yi. "It’s a pity that Bai Xier turned out to be such a person. I still respect her so much and regard her as an out-of-touch fireworks fairy."
"She doesn’t deserve to be called a fairy at all. She’s just a robber!" The old man hit his head against the stone, crying and making trouble.
Guo Yi’s heart was bitter. "What did she do to make her predecessors suffer so much?"
The old man looked up at Guo Yi and said, "Can you be my boss?"
Guo Yi nodded, "If she is heartless, I will help you get back to justice."
"It’s simply dehumanizing to stop being immoral." LaoSou was very angry. "Old Lingxiao Fairy has been a friend for many years, and she wouldn’t have become an enemy if she hadn’t done it too well."
"It took the old man nine hundred and ninety-one times to experience the world of mortals robbery, and it took a whole 1.1 billion years to brew the first wine in the world of mortals. This world of mortals brewing is absolutely unique. The old man will take out his life every 10,000 years and smell it, but he didn’t dare to drink it."
"But five years ago, that girl in Lingxiao got the wind from nowhere and even played the world of mortals. Pay attention to inviting me to play her chess. If she loses, she will lose to me in Lingxiao Temple. If I lose, I will lose to her world of mortals."
"That elder lost to her?"
The LaoSou face became strange. "Hum, how could the old man lose to her! I came here to play chess better than her, but when I was greedy for a cup of chess that day, she drank two more altars and my head was somewhat unresponsive … "
"Will you lose?" Daoxiao
"Only when I woke up, my altar of world of mortals was taken away by her." The old man cried bitterly again, as if he had lost his child and died.
Guo Yi suddenly sounded the altar wine that Bai Xier once gave himself. Is that the first wine in the world?
It’s a pity that the altar of wine has been drained by Guo Yi and Bai Xier. Of course, even if the wine is not drunk, Guo Yi will not give it back to Lao Sou, because for a drinker, wine is just like his wife as beautiful as flowers and pure as jade.
A wife can’t be shared with others.
Guo Yixiao came out and said, "This spirit fairy is really malicious and poisonous enough, and the robbers are even more ruthless than the robbers."
Chapter 91 Two Fools
Brewmaster’s experience is indeed very sad, but Guo Yi’s heart is suddenly relieved and there is no longer any doubt in his heart.
Bai Xier was able to make an altar of wine so much trouble, so it can be seen that her mind really touched Guo Yi.
If you regard her as a friend, she is the best friend in the world.
If you regard her as a lover, she is also the most touching lover in this world.
It was difficult for others to enter the Lingxiao Temple, but Guo Yi went in and guarded the Lingxiao Temple. Heaven’s Library Immortal did not stop him because she knew that Guo Yi was one of the few friends of Lingxiao Immortal.
In front of Guo Yi, there is a pot of good wine, which is like a dragon overflowing. The wine is mellow but not greasy. Although it is not brewed by the world of mortals, it is also delicious in the celestial world.
Almost a figure in Lingxiao Temple can’t see a fairy statue standing by.
"This wine was prepared by the master long ago. The elder Guo might as well have a taste!" Heaven’s library immortal temperament free from vulgarity is quite a bit Bai Xier shadow picked up the hip flask is to give Guo Yi a full cup.
On the other side of the Hua Er Building and Road, two people are well-behaved, one is well-dressed and the other is well-respected. In front of the immortal statue, they pretend to be elegant scribes.
Guo Yi took a sip and smiled gently. "I didn’t expect us to meet again so soon. The girl’s style in Heaven’s Library is still more fresh and refined."
"Guo’s predecessors are ridiculous." Heaven’s library fairy statue poured Guo Yi another cup.
Guo Yi looked around and wondered, "Can Lingxiao Xian be in Lingxiao Hall at this time?"
Guo Yi didn’t see Bai Xier when he entered the Lingxiao Temple. This is always a mistake. Bai Xier is not a friend who neglects Guo Yi.
Heaven’s library fairy hesitated for a moment before adding, "Master has gone to prepare a gift for Guo’s predecessors."
"A gift? What gift?" Guo Yi was a little surprised. What kind of wine is it?
"It’s too early to say that we will know in three hours." Heaven’s library immortals played charades.
Guo Yi once denied that Bai Xier was a man without mind, but after meeting Brewmaster, he felt that Bai Xier’s mind was finer than others.
Or maybe every woman’s mind is delicate.
Guo Yi stopped asking about drinking quietly until three hours later.
At the moment when Bai Xier appeared, Guo Yi was already slightly drunk, and the original elegant literati and Taoist temple on the second floor could not stand the temptation of wine. At this time, he was drunk and lay down on the table, and the immortal statue was even more available.
The fairy fish in the lotus pond in Lingxiao Temple seems to have been drunk and sank straight to the bottom.
Bai Xier seems a little tired and delicate at this time, and his white forehead overflows with sweet sweat, but those eyes are like fairy waves, but they are greeted with something of a smile. "Guo Xiong has been waiting so long."
Fairy is fairy. Every movement is so wonderful that it gives people limited visual enjoyment. Guo Yilai has been a little drunk, but all these drunkenness have been swept away after seeing the fairy queen.
Guo Yi put the glass in his hand down on the table and looked at Bai Xier’s face sitting opposite him with a smile. "I just waited for three hours and waited for the fairy. I’m afraid that others can’t wait for three hours in the fairy area for thirty thousand years. How can it be regarded as waiting?"